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June 2007
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Kington Cider Co. win First Prize at the Royal Bath & West Show, click for a bigger picture.
The Kington Cider Company gained a First and a Second in the OC10 (Sweet) and OC08 (Medium) cider classes at the Royal Bath & West Show. I reckon that the judges particularly liked Kington's cider as they had "sampled" it more than any other cider in the marquee!!!
Kington Cider Co. win Second Prize at the Royal Bath & West Show, click for a bigger picture.

Waiting for the milking to start, click for a bigger picture.
Cow number 80 (aka Daisy) waits patiently, click for a bigger picture.
10th June saw Open Farm Day and Park Mill Farm was open to visitors on the Sunday. Under blue skies, Vicki Garrett (second from left in the maroon polo-shirt) conducted tours around the farm proudly showing off their 450 strong Fresian herd and their unusual New Zealand style open-sided milking parlour. She also shared with us the news that they are going organic and are hoping to get their accreditation next year.

Start of the serious runner's race, click for a bigger picture.
Councillor Isambard Kingdom Brunel makes an appearance, click for a bigger picture.
Father's Day was on the 17th this year so that meant it's was Fun Run day in Oldbury and the weather was, as it usually is, fine. There were two starts this year, the serious runners were off at 11:00 sharp followed 10 minutes later by the Fun Runners. Results on the Fun Run website. Waiting for the runners back in the village was an array of festivities and stalls; organic burgers and hot dogs, ice creams, beer festival, tug-of-war competition, fun fair rides, displays, cakes, teas, plants and books.
Start of the Fun Runner's race, click for a bigger picture. Fun Runners, click for a bigger picture. One of the many stalls in the centre of the village, this one selling 'Severn Snippets', a book about Oldbury history by well known local author. Click for a bigger picture.
Short 'Quicktime' movie of the first start, click to run. Short 'Quicktime' movie of the second start, click to run.
Quicktime movies of the race starts
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Tug of war competition, 'The Police', click for a bigger picture. Tug of war competition, 'Oldbury Fathers', click for a bigger picture. Overall winners 'Oldbury Fathers', click for a bigger picture.